Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Canada Teaser!!!!!!!

Fuck Yeah!!! I love it sounds way better thatn the clip that leaked yesterday, this means that the EP will be out soon? Things seem to be looking up!

  • The video was partly shoot by Mark Cult, Yeah the same guy who designed the cover and posters, its not an official video though so dont get your hopes up! Remember this is the first Audio/Video Advertisement Promotion from the EP, Remember what Male Paus tweeted last christmas! that if the single don't do well the EP and other future projects will be shelved and he even might get dropped from DHRecords sooooo please peeps buy the f*****g thing! dont illego-downlo! 


  1. IM LOOOOOOOOOOVIN IT!!!!!!!! Cant wait! where can i buy it monday? :S

  2. whoooo u go girl lol. Love him x
